branding | Art direction

Introducing Absolut’s biggest global 360-campaign in over a decade, “The World of Absolut Cocktails. Born to Mix.” aims to help the brand foster an inclusive culture that welcome the mixing of ideas and identities within today’s social landscape. Absolut has an extensive history of delivering iconic and bold work that permeate popular culture. Hence the visual development of the campaign consist of creating a fun and open universe in which cocktails are personified through dynamic, engaging characteristics, and breathing life into our physical and virtual space.



Joan Shelton Kurtis Chan Henry Purdey Jen Choi Hillary Horsfal Mike Diedrich Jennifer May Rosen

CCO: Joe Sciartotta ECD: Isaac Pagan CD: Saskhi Choudhary CD: Connor Fleming AD: Summers Ford CW: Hannah Lacava Peter Kush Claire Fridkin

Photography: Sandro Miller Lauren McNails

Post-productoin: Sarofsky Optimus